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Ancient History:    (Photos in the Gallery)

Temple town of Bhatkal got its name from its able and just ruler, The HOYSALA king “Bhat Akalanka” who ruled in the early 12th century. The village then and a Town now was named after him as BHATKAL. Later in 14th century, Bhatkal came under the Vijaynagar empire and thereafter was ruled by Jain ruler “Saluva”. Presence of many Jain Bastis stands testimony to that. In the 15th century, Bhatkal witnessed migration of GSB families from Goa on fears from Portuguese who imposed inquisition. Gowd Saraswat Brahmins had settled in Gomantak (Goa) after having migrated from Saraswati river basin in the north.
Among the GSBs migrated from Goa, few families came from Lotali village & they brought and installed the Dev-Mandan (called as Panchayatan Gods) which included Shri Ramnath, Shri Lakshmi Narayan, Shri Shanteri, Shri Kamakshi and Shri Siddhinath in 5 different shrines at a place near Bhatkal with survey no.105R. They also installed Shri Betal of Shri Shanteri, Shri KalBhirav of Shri Kamakshi, Gram Purush and 7 Gotra Purushas who had following and devotion of 16 families in Bhatkal. They also brought and installed in the adjacent temple -Shri Rayeshwar and Shri Kavur Kamakshi alongwith their Mandan.
Bhatkal being a natural harbour, became prime trade centre for exports of spices. In the year 1498 AD, it attracted the Portuguese who started landing at Bhatkal port and gradually occupied the trade of spices and grains. They finally captured Goa and also Bhatkal, and  imposed Taxes in the form of Grains and spices on the Locals and GSBs.
After collapse of the Vijaynagar, independent Sawant rulers occupied the surrounding villages of Bhatkal. A powerful Sawant Queen Chennabhairavi was an able ruler and she marched over Bhatkal to support the Hindus. She respected the innocent, simple and God-fearing GSB community and fought with the Portuguese.
However, the Portuguese were stronger and started rampant destruction of Temples and property, shops of GSBs in Bhatkal. Finally, the Queen Chennabhairavi entered into a treaty with Portuguese in year 1544 AD which spared GSB people and their temples


Medieval History:    (Photos in the Gallery)

Pujari of the temples, Shri JIYA decided to shift Shri Rayeshwar and Shri Kavur Kamakshi alongwith their Mandan to Kumta. He also decided to reinstall Shri Shanteri Kamakshi Mandan in a new place near Bhatkal market place called “Susgadi gram” with survey number 7/A6 in the year 1550 AD.
As per record with Shri Samsthan Kashi Mutt, the land was donated by Local Prabhu family for constructing the temple. The land was barren and occupied by eminent local Daivas  like Nag-Mhasti, Haiguli, Jataka and Nag Devate. With due prayers seeking their consent to make the place for the abode of the Maa Kamakshi it was decided to offer yearly Pooja on Dasara day to these Daivas. The record given by Jog Mallya to Shri Kashi Mutt in Dec.1606, reveal that the temple was built by his father Mr. Anant Mallya in 1550 AD. All Poojas, Anusthans, Oracles (Mai Darshans) and regular flow of devotees continued religiously for next 400 years.   


Modern History and Prosperity:    (Photos in the Gallery)

A committee was formed in the year 1975 for enabling effective functioning of the temple. However, the 1980s saw fundamental differences between Archakas and Kulavis regarding  certain functioning of the temple. Discord lasted many years & in November 1999, at Mulky, a settlement was arrived and both parties agreed further steps for the betterment of the temple.   New trust formed under the Presidentship of Mr. M Narasimha Kamath was successful in getting  the Recognition of Temple as "Religious Institution" and as “Kulavis Temple” of GSB community. Temple trust  took a Sankalp to have Jeernodhara of the temple & Punar Prathishta of deities at the Temple at  the same location after seeking approval of Saibini and Shri Swamiji.
Maa Kamakshi blessed us with abundance with her divine ways when the Jeernodhara of the temple started. As per tradition,  Deities were shifted to Balalaya where regular Nitya Poojas continued. Kulavis/ ParKulavis & Bhajaks were generous with Donations for the divine cause  along with local and young volunteers who contributed by working Day and Night at the site.
As the work progressed the devotees were desirous of having the Punar Prathishta in auspicious period of Uttarayan and normal functioning thereafter. Divine blessings of Devi along with  constant monitoring and guidance from his holiness Shri Guru Shri Gokarn Parthagali Mathadish Parampujya Shri Vidyadhiraj Swamiji and with the support of all devotees Jeernodhara of the temple was completed in record 151 days. The Punar Prathisthapan of the Deity and Mandan was graced in the hands of the Shri Swamiji on 23rd May 2003. Cultural activities and awarding the volunteers who participated for the cause were carried out and the town had a graceful and festive look.
The Garba Griha, Sandhya Mantap, the Chowk are all now spacious. The doors are wide enough to have a larger view of Abhishek and Aartis for all the bhajaks. Small gudis are on the right of the Deity for Shri Betal , Shri Kaal Bhairav, Shri Haiguli and Shri Mahasati. On the left, Nag Devas and Ganas like Kshetrapal and Marangan are installed. The temple consumes the water from the same old well on the right of the Deity for Abhishek and preparation of Naivedya.   On the right of Deity is the Yajna-mantap where the Deity herself graces in all the Homas. The temple has spacious kitchen to prepare and serve Naivedya to all who visit the temple during festivals. On the first floor, few rooms are built for refreshing transit bhajaks travelling long distances. These is also a large Sabhagraha with stage and seating of around 400 people for family functions and cultural activities at the lotus feet of the deity.


New Building “Kamakshi Nilaya”:    (Photos in the Gallery)

With the large inflow of devotees throughout the year, who were visiting from distant places, Temple was in need of accommodation facilities for their stay. The barren land of the temple was utilised for constructing the Guest-house building having 20 rooms. Rooms are furnished with beds, hot-water facilities and ACs in some rooms.  Kamakshi Nilaya was inaugurated in the blossom hands of Shri Swamiji during the 10th Punar Prathishta Vardhanthi of the Temple.

Thousands of Kulavis/ Bhajaks visit the temple throughout the year and offer their sevas. All these devotees seek solutions to their grievances of their life through  Mai-Darshans or Mali process return satisfied. Maa Kamakshi fondly called as Saibini by the devotees has always blessed them.


Online site of the Temple:

For the convenience of Kulavis Parkulavis and Bhajaks located in far off places and who are unable to visit the temple regularly, this Temple website has been set up where devotees would be able to offer sevas and get divine prasad at their location. Devotees wishing to  donate for the Temple Corpus Fund or Vidya-Nidhi Fund, can do so on the Donation page of the site. E-receipt will be issued to the donors.
Temple trust requests all the Kulavis, Parkulavis and Bhajaks to register their Names, Address and contact details by signing in at the website. This will enable the temple to reach out to you smoothly and keep you updated on regular Pooja’s, and Parvas of the temple. Temple also proposes to have live viewing of Aarti and other programs of the temple in the future.


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